
Donald Miller – Business Made Simple


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Trying to Grow a Small Business is Overwhelming

If you don’t have a plan…

  • Revenue stalls or (worse) dips
  • You waste time chasing ideas that don’t move the needle
  • You guess instead of following a process

And that leads to sleepless nights and feeling constantly overwhelmed. We don’t want that for you. Business Made Simple has given thousands of business owners a plan for growing revenue. Our plan will work for you too.

Learn and Install a 6-Step Plan to Grow Your Small Business


Business on a Mission

Leadership — The Cockpit

Learn how to transform your Mission Statement into a set of Guiding Principles that will motivate you and your whole team.


StoryBrand Messaging Framework

Marketing — The Right Engine

Learn how to eliminate confusion from your messaging so customers finally listen and buy.


The Customer is the Hero

Sales — The Left Engine

Learn how to create a million-dollar sales pitch using the power of story to close more sales.


Product Optimization Made Simple

Products — The Wings

Looking to increase revenue and profit? The money is hidden in your product offering. Optimize your products for more revenue.


Management and Productivity Made Simple

Overhead & Operations — The Body

Is everybody on your team wearing too many hats? Organize your workflow and stop chaos in its tracks.


Small Business Cash Flow Made Simple

Cash Flow — The Fuel Tanks

You know how to make money but are you good at managing it so it works for you? Organize your small-business finances by using five checking accounts.

Your Plan for Growing Your Business

1. Join Business Made Simple

For just $275/year, you get access to all our on-demand courses, member-exclusive webinars, and our community of small business owners and coaches.

2. Get a Plan

Our on-demand courses and Member-Exclusive Webinars give you a plan you can easily implement to optimize the six key areas of your business.

3. Watch Your Business Grow

With a plan that’s proven to work for growing any small business, you’ll be amazed at how your confidence skyrockets and that feeling of overwhelm subsides.

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