
Chris Orzechowski – Client Acquisition

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New Book Reveals:

How to get more clients without having to send a single cold email… even if no one’s ever heard of you.

This book is going to turn you into a master of client acquisition… so you can get clients ON COMMAND! You’ll never have to worry about where your next project is coming from, ever again.

The best part? I’m going to give you 6 awesome bonuses that will turn you into a client-getting machine… for free!

Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside Client Acquisition:

  • The incredible story of how I went from a school teacher (who just got laid off)… to building a seven-figure per year copywriting business.
  • An in-depth breakdown into what it takes to build a client acquisition system that allows you to earn enough to leave your day job and become a full-time copywriter.
  • 4 questions that’ll help you find dozens, even hundreds of clients who’d love to hire you to write their copy.
  • How clients typically like to find copywriters… and how to use this psychological insight so you can get hundreds of new client leads every single year.
  • Why the traditional “cold email approach” is THE worst way to try and get clients (especially if you’re just starting)… and what you should do instead.
  • The ONLY cold outreach strategy I recommend. (An early mentor of mine had me do this… and I was able to send 90% less emails and get into more conversations than the traditional ‘spray and pray’ approach.)
  • Should you ever offer to work for free? My answer might shock you.
  • How I sold $1,000,000+ worth of copywriting services… without sending a single cold email to win those deals.
  • How to get your first client (the easy way).
  • A handful of places to find your first paying client (these opportunities are hiding right under your nose!)
  • How to generate a handful of referrals from your VERY FIRST copywriting client (you can use this over and over to turn one client opportunity into three more, like clockwork).
  • A crazy direct-mail client acquisition experiment that went HORRIBLY WRONG!!! (Please, for the love of God, don’t try this at home.)
  • What to do if your friends and family “don’t get it” when you talk about your fledgling copywriting business. (It might drive you crazy because no one can see your vision. I’ll help you handle these feelings so you can keep pressing forward even if you’re feeling all alone in this journey.)
  • Which types of “in-person networking events” are a waste of time when trying to get clients – don’t even bother showing up, I don’t care what your favorite guru told you.
  • The GREATEST client acquisition secret I learned… that helped me build a copywriting business where I get new copywriting leads reaching out to ME on a weekly basis, whether I market myself or not.
  • How you can build a copywriting business where you NEVER have to talk to (or pitch) a “cold lead” ever again.
  • How to get BIG companies (with deep pockets) to hire you… using nothing but your existing network.
  • The do’s and don’ts of talking money with clients. Do NOT get on the phone with a potential client until you read Chapter 4, trust me!!!
  • How to reduce (or eliminate) your feelings of imposter syndrome when talking with clients.
  • Why you should never, EVER… under ANY circumstances EVER “give value” to your client on a call. (This is a guaranteed way to lose the deal. I’ll show you what to do instead.)
  • Why you should never try to “sell” the client on working with you. This actually scares most clients away. Many such cases!
  • Four questions I ask every client on the initial call to get them “ready to hire” me for my services. Steal these questions and use them on your next call and watch how easy it is to close a deal.
  • The sales call “secret” I use to get multi-million dollar business owners to spend an average of 5-10 minutes on each call “selling themselves” on why they should pay me five-figures to write their copy. The deals practically close themselves!
  • An important lesson from my first $9,000 copy project pitch.
  • A mantra you should repeat to yourself each day that’ll help you feel more confident, get more clients, and win bigger deals.
  • Should you build an email list for your copywriting services? My answer might surprise you…
  • How to warm up “ice cold leads” so they’re ready to hire you… with minimum effort on your part.
  • My favorite client acquisition strategy that I’ve used for nine years to get 1,000+ inbound client leads. (I’ll be using it for the next three decades, it just works so well!)
  • One piece of advice my mentor, Kevin Rogers, gave me that helped me go from making $52,000 a year writing copy… to having a seven-figure per year copywriting business. You should use this too!
  • How to make friends with potential clients online… without being weirdo.
  • How to build a client acquisition machine that only takes 15-20 minutes a day… that brings you clients around the clock, even while you’re sleeping.
  • The REAL way to build a network, without feeling cheesy or sleazy.
  • A simple way to get access to 500 – 50,000+ potential clients… without paying a dime.
  • How introverts can get booked solid with copywriting clients… without having to become a social butterfly, travel to live events, or live in social media.
  • A strategy I started using in 2016 that’s brought at least $1,000,000+ worth of new business my way.
  • One simple task you can do each week (that takes less than an hour) to build an automatic client-getting machine. (I don’t understand why more people don’t do this, it’s actually pretty simple!)
  • A life-changing piece of client-getting advice I got from Gary Bencivenga (arguably the best direct response copywriter alive).
  • Why I don’t ever “create content”… and why you shouldn’t either.
  • How to use a “dog whistle” to get a client within the next 24 hours.
  • Why Laura Belgray was able to charge up to $1,450/hour to write copy… and how to use this insight to raise your own rates.’
  • The Kraken: my simple system for building a highly-leveraged, semi-automated client acquisition machine that captures high-value, high-status clients.
  • How to get clients even while you’re sitting on your recliner in your underwear watching reruns of The Sopranos.
  • Six criteria I look for in a potential client.
  • Eight “pipelines” you can easily build to get more clients reaching out to you.
  • What you should focus on for the next 12 months – so that you can get clients automatically reaching out to you for the next 12 years.
  • How to get a TON of part-time, freelance, remote copywriting gigs from job boards… even if you’re new.
  • How to flip a full-time copywriting job position into a $10,000/month retainer (you’ll need to be more advanced to pull this off, but you’d be shocked at how simple it is).
  • Five websites you can go to right now to get in contact with thousands of potential copywriting clients, no matter what skill level you’re at.
  • Where to find dozens of copywriting job opportunities on Facebook and LinkedIn. (I’d be shocked if this didn’t help you land clients in the next three days.)
  • The unusual thing I did to beat out hundreds of other copywriters and land a retainer with Jeff Walker. (I suggest you do this too, if you’re applying to work with a big name client.)
  • Where junior copywriters should be looking for clients to “get their reps in” and start getting paid.
  • How I assess whether or not to take on a client. I suggest you follow my advice here… because if your client has too many red flags, they’re going to make your life a living hell!
  • Client Speak: the red flags clients exhibit on the initial sales call that should set off alarm bells.
  • A simple way to get your copywriting contract done and dusted so you can protect yourself before you wreck yourself.
  • The right way to niche down and specialize, so you can get more of the RIGHT type of clients.
  • How to escape the “copywriting rate race” and start charging premium fees.
  • How one of my students landed a part-time copywriting retainer that pays up to $10,000/month.
  • The art and science of closing retainer deals that can pay you $2,500 – $4,000+/month.
  • The strategy I used to get to $30,000 months, from client work.
  • A roadmap to go from $0 to $100,000/year as a copywriter.
  • The one thing that stops copywriters from breaking the six-figure mark. (Probably not what you’d expect!)
  • How to avoid burnout… so you can keep getting more clients and continue to make more money each year.
  • How to cut your working hours in half so you can double your income (I show you how this works in Chapter 15).
  • A roadmap to break the $200,000/year mark as a copywriter. (There’s a few things you have to do differently if you want to get to this level.)
  • Five ways to increase your income as a copywriter. (Do one… or do all five!)
  • How to become “Niche Famous”… where you have clients on autopilot, a huge following, and fans (and customers) around the world.
  • How to build a business where you NEVER have to ask where your next client is coming from, ever again.

Here’s What Life Looks Like After Mastering The Art of Client Acquisition

Imagine waking up to a handful of messages from clients who want to hire you to write their copy. Imagine getting to cherry-pick the clients you really want to work with… and tell everyone else to go kick rocks. Imagine being able to FIRE that one asshole client who Slacks you at 10:00pm, expects you to work on the weekends, and is always late paying your invoices.

When you master my system for client acquisition, you can experience some pretty insane benefits:


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